Cartology - A Custom Amazon Services Agency

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How To Grow Your Brand on Amazon?

So you say you want sales on Amazon? ' Did I hear you correctly? I did. Okay, you want sales? Guess what that requires? You want the hockey stick growth, you want it to just boom! Hit through that ceiling. What does that require? Capital. Why does it require Capital? One, and we're talking specifically to Amazon but this is likely applicable to most businesses, if you want to see quick accelerated growth, you have to invest in it, not going to be profitable, because you're investing in the future of the business and the future of the brand. And I'm not going to get into all the semantics of how you're investing into the future of the brand, the advertising and all that stuff. But it requires money to advertise. And if you're going up against big players in a big competitive category, even small players and a competitive category, you need capital to get out there to get in front of people. So a lot of ways to get capital. But if you don't have capital, you have to take a different approach, you're still gonna have to spend money on advertising, but you're not going to see the big growth that you want. The other reason you need capital is because when you sell a lot of product, what do you need more of? Product. You need more product. So many people want that whoop! Huge hockey stick growth. And then they get it and guess what they run out of inventory. That totally messes with your ranking, and Amazon's algorithm and you stop showing up in search, and there's all these issues. But you need capital to get more inventory before you're even really selling well. Because you're going to need to keep your inventory in stock. And you're gonna need plenty of it. People. If you want sales, and you want that huge growth, you need capital. So get access to capital. There's plenty of places out there where you can get in private investors, or you can get someone else to invest in your business but don't go into a situation with Amazon saying we want big sales and not be willing to invest money in it, especially your own money.

About the Author

Article written by Michael Maher

Michael is the Chief Idea Officer of Cartology, a custom done-for-you services agency helping brands grow revenue and become profitable on the largest marketplace in North America. He loves hanging with his wife and daughter close to the beach, great bourbon, R&B music, good coffee, and hanging around a fire. 🔥